March 9, 2016

O'clock Project | Week 1

I am so thankful to have discovered new photographer friends on social media. Whether it be Facebook or Instagram, these friends encourage and lift each other up. Each one of them has left sweet comments to each other on photos and galleries. It makes my heart happy to see photographers from all over come together rather than become competition.

I recently discovered Kelly from Fiddle Leaf Photography and I was blown away by her photos. But that wasn't the best part. She challenged everyone, not just photographers, but everyone with a camera or phone to join her in a monthly photography project. She tied all of us together, not by skill, but by passion to find the beauty in our hardest hour of our days.

Kelly began the o'clock project last year and wanted to continue the project this year. And I'm so glad she did. This project was just what I was looking for to get me, and my photography, out of the winter rut and to get motivated again. The main goal behind this project is to chose an hour and take a photo every day during that hour during the month of March. Sounds easy, right? I thought so too. But it definitely has already proven that some days will be challenging.

I chose ten o'clock because to me it is the most trying part of our day. It usually is the time when we are out running errands, participating in a class, starting the transition between playtime, lunchtime, and naptime, and most of the time Ryder is throwing a fit or I'm trying to keep the toddler tornado from destroying the house. So, here is our first week of the o'clock project.

Day 1 | Today was all about playing cars.

Day 2 | A quick stop after gym class for groceries and cake pops.

Day 3 | I hope he never loses his passion for dish duty.

Day 4 | Library hangs.

Day 5 | Little man has Croup again. So it's unlimited cups of coffee!

Day 6 | Waiting for his aunt and cousin to come play.

Day 7 | At first I thought this was the cutest thing. Then reality took over and I quickly realized that handing over a metal weapon on wheels to a toddler tornado is a terrible idea!

You can follow my project, as well as others, here

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