November 1, 2015

Hello November!

Goodbye, October! Hello, daylight savings, candy hangovers, pumpkin pies, quality family time, and Christmas movies! It must be November 1st, Hallmark has Christmas movies on this morning. Normally I hold off until after Thanksgiving for all things Christmas but this year I am pulling out the occasional holiday book and movie. But first a Halloween recap!

We were a little nervous about the weather this year. It rained continuously all day. However, it was fairly warm for a Halloween here at 57 degrees. So we decided that a little rain wouldn't hurt us! To our surprise it stopped raining just as we arrived at my parent's house! We normally meet there and then walk around their neighborhood because growing up, it was one of the best neighborhoods for treats and fun tricks! But this year was a complete bummer. There were maybe twenty houses with porch lights turned on. But Ryder still made out with a ton of goodies and we had such a good time. Next year we've agreed to just stay in our little town to check out the houses.

Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning!
Off to Neverland!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! And because I don't think I shared our pumpkins...

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