November 25, 2015

Give Thanks

It's Thanksgiving Eve and there are so many last minute things to finish around here. We are getting ready to head into town to gather a few last minute items and I'm almost dreading it. The stores will be crazy! But I am so excited to be with family tomorrow. The food, the fun, the lack of naps and not nearly enough coffee to get us through it all. We have two complete meals to attend tomorrow and my belly is already looking forward to the turkey, noodles, potatoes, and apple pie! 

I will be heading into the crazy crowd on Friday morning with my cousin and aunt to hunt down some great deals! My main goal is toys but I've got my eye out for pillows, towels, and maybe a few kitchen accessories. A few of my favorite shops are having Black Friday deals as well. I've already got this bubble bath in my cart waiting for their sale to begin. Their products are great! They are natural and have completely cleared Ryder's dry skin problems within a couple uses. They make great stocking stuffers and they offer free shipping for orders over $50. I'm planning on getting a new sweatshirt for me and matching shirts for Seth and Ryder during Hello Apparel's Black Friday Sale. A few other items I've got my eye on are jams at Old Navy, especially "If it's under the tree it's for me" set.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all the pictures! We had a blessed Thanksgiving with you and everyone! LOVE this picture of him on the sofa. Gee, I wish I could lay like that and not have a care in the world. He's so cute and his facial expressions are priceless!
