June 21, 2015

Father's Day

Last year I complained about not having enough room in our little car to take everything I wanted on our camping trip. We left a few things that I wished we had taken and it stayed with my dad this whole time. We are now packing for our trip this year and he offers us his van. This means the world to us. This Father's Day I wanted to make sure that we spent time with each important man in our lives. Even if that meant keeping a certain toddler up too far past nap time and putting the packing on hold for a bit.

I couldn't ask for a better daddy for Ryder. He is the best at everything he does for us. He never hesitates to change the diapers, always took midnight feedings, and is always ready to play. He is the best tickle monster and wrestling partner. He makes the best chocolate milk and is always happy to go get ice cream. I'm so thankful for him and all of the hard work he does so that I can stay home with our little man. We love you to the moon and back!

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