April 9, 2015

Saying Yes

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

This quote has really got me thinking lately. I've been really watching how I act and how I speak to Ryder or when I'm around Ryder. I want him to see life as an adventure. I want him to go explore and learn things from experience. Some lessons may be hard and some may even hurt. This is something I've noticed that I need to work on myself. 

Normally, I am a control freak. I don't like messes, I don't like dirt. All I see a lot of the time is what could happen, and mostly in a negative way. Some times this is okay. I want him to grow knowing that there are times to be cautious but that there are times to let go.

I am forcing myself to start letting go and start saying yes, okay! Because I don't want to miss out on moments like these. If I never would have said yes to playing in the rain and in the puddles, I would have missed out on an amazing memory. And this was a moment I want to remember.

We had some pretty intense storms all afternoon yesterday and throughout the night. We were cooped up in the house for nearly 72 hours. That is no fun for anyone! So this morning, between storms, we slipped on our boots and headed outside for a little fun. We (yes, both of us) had so much fun splashing in the puddles and running in the rain. We were covered head to toe in muddy water. We played outside in the rain for two hours!

What are some of the things that you need to start saying yes to?

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