February 18, 2015

Eighteen Months Update

Dear Ryder,
You are doing so many new things recently, I can hardly keep up! You are trying your hardest to talk and normally end up jabbering all sorts of sounds faster than you can think of them. Your most recent love for balls and balloons surpasses just about all other toys in the house. We have just about every size ball and you have to have the scattered around the house at all times. Your blanket has to travel everywhere with you right now. It follows us to get groceries, go shopping, in the car, to the park, to gym class, and even in restaurants. It never leaves your side. You learned a new word recently, book which you call it "Booh". You will walk around saying it but not necessarily wanting to read a book. One thing that you are currently doing all the time right now is dancing. It doesn't matter if you hear someone making a noise or a song. If it has rhythm you are dancing. You have a special dance move that you do almost every time and it involves you stomping with your right foot, then bouncing your booty up and down and you finish by spinning around and pretending to fall onto the floor. We go to gym class once a week and you absolutely love it! You are always singing the songs from class and you have learned so many new tumbling skills. If you are having a hard time calming down for sleep, your new favorite way to relax is a warm bath in the kitchen sink! You practice your scooping and dumping with cups and spoons while I diffuse our bedtime oils. We sing songs while I dry you off and then you get so excited for your "sleepy cream". Most days I can't wait until you wake because I miss you when you are sleeping. Isn't that crazy?

18 Months Stats
weight | 28 pounds
height | 32 inches
teeth | 16
clothing size | 18-24 months

favorite foods | pasta, chicken tacos, applesauce, yogurt, sweet potato fries and bbq sauce
favorites | his blanket, balls, music, dancing, The Fresh Beat Band, Paw patrol, dogs "pups", airplanes, painting and coloring, shoes, and his kitchen
dislikes | the vacuum, being told "no splashing", new food
favorite songs | "Do You Want To Build A Snowman" from Frozen, "Goodbye Song" - at the end of gym class, "Dance Floor Superhero" and "Tap It Out" - The Fresh Beat Band
favorite movies | Frozen, Baby Einstein's and The Polar Express

18 Month Favorites
Tubby Todd - This brand makes the best soap and lotion on the planet! Ryder has horrible eczema flair-ups during the dry winter months. We couldn't find a single product out there that didn't burn, irritate, dry, or stink. Finally, I came across Tubby Todd on Instagram and was sold! They are made with all natural products, including real lavender, and you only need a small drop to make enough lather to suds up your entire child! I even use the soap and lotion on myself and still only need a small drop. Tubby Todd, we love you!

Touch Think Learn Books - Ryder is at a stage where he won't let me read him a book but he loves to look at the pages and read to himself. These books are one of his go-to books. We love the textures and colors. Plus they are easy to learn for little mind!

Crayola Washable Paint - Seems logical that a messy toddler would love a messy activity, right? Ryder is obsessed with painting. We are painting everyday and sometimes twice a day! These paints have been a life saver for our clothes, floors, furniture, and skin. Wish I could say the same about their markers...oh well! Can't win them all.

Alphabet Puzzle - No, Ryder doesn't sit nice and still for hours playing with puzzles. Heck, he hardly gets the pieces to fit. But we love this puzzle for many reasons. It teaches the alphabet, looks pretty, easy to grab pieces, and the letter slots are colored the same as the piece which makes it easier for him to find the correct spot. Although, throwing all 26 letters across the room is much more fun.

Balls - We have a large basket of balls that come in all shapes and sizes, but he finds these damn things and can really send them flying! There is always one of these in his hand, ready to aim!

Organic Yogurt Pouch - The only thing I can think to describe these pouches of goodness is, amazing! Ryder cannot get enough of these yogurt pouches and I can't complain. They taste awesome and have fruit and veggies in them as well!!