September 8, 2014

Weekend Recap

Football season is finally here! I have made a point to add "watch more football" on my fall bucket list this year. I guess if I watch even one game then that will be a success. Yesterday was the Bear's first game and even though they didn't win, we still had a fun and busy day. We weren't able to watch them game because we had lunch in town with Seth's family and our gym was having their open house. We took Seth so that he could see where Ryder and I spend our Friday mornings. We came back home after a couple other errands and got to relax on the couch for a movie while Ryder napped. This is probably the third movie we have ever watched during the day since he was born! So sad, I know! Our house smelled amazing the whole night as well. Homemade chili was for dinner! I use a very simple recipe that is passed down from my mom.

Mom's Chili
two pounds hamburger
one large can of Brooke's Chili Beans
one can tomato sauce
two jars Picante sauce (we use mild)
one packet Chili Man Chili Seasoning Mix

1. Brown the hamburger in a large pot.
2. Add all ingredients to hamburger.
3. Let simmer for 30 minutes.

That's it! Super easy and delicious.

After dinner it was time to do some household chores. Ryder says he is charging $10 (or a cookie) per lawn! ;)

He worked so hard to get the lawn sidewalk mowed that he was rewarded with a walk in his new wagon. Don't let his poker face fool you...he loved it. I think we are working on his first set of molars or his canines. Fun fun!

Now it's time to tackle Monday's to-do list. But first, coffee!

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