June 8, 2014

Weekend Recap

Seth is officially back home! He now has 2 certifications & lots of training for his job. Congrats, love! The past week Ryder & I kept very busy. If we weren't busy, things wouldn't go well. Ryder would remember that his daddy was gone & would cry out for him. It broke my heart. Seth came home around midnight on Friday & when Ryder woke up on Saturday I brought him into our bedroom. When he saw Seth he smiled from ear to ear & lunged for him. It was so sweet!

Saturday was a rainy day so our plans to go to the carnival in town were canceled. Instead, we spent the day being lazy & watching Disney movies. The rest of the weekend was spend eating doughnuts (Ry's first doughnut) & family time after church. Over all it was a good weekend & went be way too fast.

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