June 14, 2014

Dinner With Us

If we ever invite you over for dinner be prepared for flying food, laughter & fun! Last night was a perfect night to capture our dinner on camera. See for yourself...

{We had beef tips, mashed potatoes & green beans.}

We encourage fun & playful behavior (at home) for dinner. Most of the fun happens after Ryder has eaten all of his food. We feel that it helps him learn that it is fun to sit together as a family for meals. He is more willing to eat & has already learned a ton of table manners. He will have conversations with us while we talk about our day. The tv is always off & we have music playing in the background. My hopes are that Ryder will learn to make healthy choices about his food & will love to socialize during meals with his family when he is older. We all look forward to dinner time. We do not let him do this while we are out to dinner but at home we love to just have fun! One of these nights I think we will eat spaghetti with our fingers!

Doesn't everybody play with their food!?

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