May 9, 2014

Our Day In Pictures

I was asked recently what our schedule is like since I stay home all day with Ryder. Our typical days usually follow the same pattern but there are a few days a month that change due to teething, errands taking too long, vacations & weekends.

For the most part our schedule is somewhat predictable. Ryder typically wakes between 6:30 & 7:00 in the morning. He spends most of his mornings playing & spending time with Seth before he leaves for work. Ryder is normally in bed no earlier than 7:00 pm & no later than 8:00 pm. As of right now he takes 2 naps a day, both lasting about 1.5 to 2 hours each.

I was telling Seth the other night that we are officially old. We are always in bed no later than 10 & most nights I am falling asleep on the couch by 9. Lame!
Anyway! Here we go.

7:00 am | Breakfast in our jammies.

8:00 am | Coffee & playtime.

9:00 am | Blanket & binky.
Time for nap number 1.

10:00 am | It's squat day. 90 squats to be exact. Ew

10:30 am | More coffee, music, emails & blogging. Pretend that I'm working & get sucked into browsing on Pinterest. This happens on a daily basis. I never get anything done.

11:00 pm | Lunch

12:00 pm | Crawling & mischief.

2:00 | Time for nap number 2.

3:00 pm | Picking up things around the house. Today it's putting away Ryder's clothes that are too small.

4:00 pm | Snacks & a walk.

5:00 pm | A little Baby Einsteins to keep Ryder occupied while I get everything ready for dinner. Since we keep the tv off during the day this 30 minute show gets his full attention

6:00 pm | Hell yes, daddy's home! Time for dinner.
I swear the pizza looked better in person.

7:00 pm | Playtime with daddy.

7:30 pm | Bath time

8:00 pm | Beer me! Baby is in bed.
The camera is dead. Picture isn't necessary anyways.

Stay tuned for some BIG news!


  1. Absolutely Adorable Pictures

  2. What a cutie! I've got a little Ryder as well :) where did you get his letters above his crib?

    1. I bought cardboard letters at a craft store then spray painted them with metallic paint. The real zinc letters are SO expensive!
