April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Ryder's first Easter was such a great day! The weather was gorgeous & Ryder was in such a good mood despite the 4 teeth causing him pain. We started the day off at 5am! Like I said...FOUR teeth. We decided that while we were up & awake we might as well start the festivities.

Ryder looked at me like I was crazy when I gave him his Easter basket but quickly dug into it. After throwing out the clothes & bath toy, he found the grass. That was his favorite part of course. He did also enjoy his books & eggs filled with puffs.

Soon after he woke from his nap we had breakfast (nothing festive - I had a sinus migraine) & he then covered himself in blueberry applesauce. So it was straight to the tub for an Easter egg bath while Seth & I got ready for church.

Right as I was just about done getting ready, Ryder decided to check himself out in the mirror. So as I'm taking a picture of him standing by himself he loses his balance & falls onto the tv stand nearby causing him to slam the back of his head on the metal bar. I felt like shit. After a few hugs & "I think I'm going to die" cries with a bottle, all was well in the world & we were ready to go.

We had lunch at my parents & spent the afternoon blowing bubbles & playing with the dogs outside.

I am convinced that baby flip flops are the best thing ever!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter!

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