August 2, 2013

It's {finally} AUGUST!

Sweet baby boy,
It is officially your birth month! I can't believe that August is finally here. I feel like it was just a few weeks ago that I was handing your daddy the jewelry box with the pregnancy test inside. I remember the look on his face. His exact words (after staring at it for a few minutes) were "Are you serious?" Our lives were changed immediately. We were filled with joy, excitement, and fear. We were so happy that soon there would be a part of the both of us breathing in this world, but we were also a little afraid. Bringing a baby into this world is something so wonderful and a little scary. Your daddy has calmed me down every time that I became anxious about all the major changes taking place. We can't wait to meet you and introduce you to the world. You already have so many people who are just as excited as we are and who love you already. If I miss anything about this pregnancy it would be feeling you wiggle and kick inside my belly. You love when I listen to a few select songs and when you hear your daddy's voice. You also love when I eat at Taco Gringo or drink a Mountain Dew. Just like your mommy! You are already in position and ready to make your grand entrance. It won't be long now. Mommy and daddy are so excited and can't wait for you to come. We love you so much! See you soon little man!

Love always and forever,
Your mommy

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