May 25, 2013

28 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 23 lbs. at appointment yesterday
Maternity clothes? I've been wearing maternity bottoms everyday. But I am still wearing mostly my regular tops.
Stretch marks? Around my belly button
Sleep: I've been sleeping good in between hip cramps, heartburn, and bathroom breaks.
Best moment this week: We can now see just about every single movement of baby Weber :)

Miss Anything? Mostly I just miss being able to move around easily. I've also been missing a night out dancing.
Movement: We are already considering signing him up for dance classes lol
Food cravings: doughnuts, tacos, and salad - - - 24/7
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chinese food
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Bloating in the afternoons, heartburn, and my hips and legs are beginning to ache frequently.
Belly Button in or out: Mostly flat with the top part playing peek-a-boo.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our 4D sonogram in June as well as the baby shower.

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