January 9, 2019

New Year, New Goals

Hello! I am Melissa and I am really bad at updating this space lately. December and Christmas flew by my as if I blinked and it was over. I took an unintentional break from social media over the month and I didn't regret it one bit. We were all under the weather on Christmas and the day was just kind of a snotty, sleepy blur. It was still magical, but it just didn't feel the same as years before. We woke up and the kids hardly wanted to open their presents and then didn't really have the energy to even play with new toys. We spent the day with family, but went home and instantly went to bed. 

I only took a few photos on Christmas day. In fact, I hardly took any photos on my "real" camera the entire month! And that brings me to my goals for 2019. I have a few things that I am adamant about doing through the year. For starters, I am limiting all of our time behind screens and making sure we get outside more often. As for my other goals:

Goals For 2019
- Eat most meals together at the table.
- Take one photo of the kids together every month.
- Get in front of the camera with my kids at least once every month.
- Practice more peaceful parenting techniques.
- Make more time for my own self care!!

If I'm being honest most of our meals have been in front of our tv lately. I use to have a rule that all meals needed to be eaten together at the table. Then Harper came along and I would eat when she did and it was just easier to eat our meals in front of the tv so that Ryder wouldn't have to sit at the table bored. But I am starting over and we will be eating at the table for most meals. I say "most" because there will be days where we don't eat at the table or together and that's okay too.

Last year after Salmonella swept through our house I stopped taking monthly photos of the kids together. I miss it. They loved it and I love seeing how much they change. So I am making it a fun challenge for myself to not only take a photo each month of them but to also get in front of the camera with them! Who wants to join? I love looking through family photos from my childhood and seeing my parents in the photos with me. I want to be sure that my kids don't only have photos of themselves to look at when they grow old. Even if this means a candid moment when I haven't brushed my hair let alone changed out of my pajamas. Because let's be honest, that's what I wear most days and what they will remember most.

As for self care, I'm not exactly sure what I will do for myself just yet. I haven't had a hair cut in almost one year and I never make time for myself to relax. I am always very stressed out and I never find time to just breathe. So my goal for this year is to find time to do something for me.

Before I end this post I want to share a few of the images that I did manage to get at the end of 2018.

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