October 14, 2017

Ready For You, Sweet Girl

Officially "full term" although now it is called early term until 39 weeks. I never made it there with Ryder and I feel as if baby sister will follow suit. I'm only at 1 cm but progressing slowly. I have been having lots of contractions and she is fully engaged and pushing down with full force. I am ready, my body feels ready, she feels ready. Let's do this, sweet girl! I finally got her space in our bedroom ready for her and have started dreaming of planning her nursery in the upcoming few months. She won't be moving into her own bedroom until 5-6 months so for now we are trying to make the decision on which room she will move into. We have two bedrooms and one is currently called "the toy room" if that gives you any indication of what it is used for. Ryder's bedroom is currently the room directly down the small hallway from our bedroom. I would really like to make this her nursery as it is obviously closer to our bedroom. The other bedroom is just off the kitchen (small house so not far from us either) and it has a large walk-in closet. I keep telling Ryder that if he moves to this bedroom that he would get to keep all of his toys in his room and he wouldn't have to wait to have access to them like he would if it was sister's room. He is hesitant because he hates change and he would have to walk through the living room to get to me and the bathroom. Cue all the four year old monster fears. So, we are working on the decision. Luckily we have until about February before we will be moving her out of our bedroom, but I'd like to get started on the process soon! I will keep you updated. Until then, all of her clothing will be stuffed into her tiny dresser in our bedroom.

I wanted to share a few photos of her little space in our bedroom. My grandfather made this little wood cradle for my mom when she was expecting me and I never used it with Ryder. I'm not sure why I chose not to use it, but I really wish I had. So when I found out we were expecting again I knew that I had to get my hands on this cradle! It's built so well and my grandmother took excellent care of it over the years. I am so excited to lay her down in it and Ryder can't wait to rock her in it. We've been practicing swinging the cradle ever so gently.

{37 weeks}
Who needs Batman when you have a big brother?

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