August 21, 2017

Bump Update | 29 Weeks

We have officially said goodbye to the second trimester. Baby girl is growing and there is hardly any part of the day when I don't feel her moving. She loves listening to her brother talk and play and is almost always kicking when she hears his voice. He loves to watch my belly move and feel her kick. He also has great suggestions for names, if you're into Optimus Prime or Lightning McQueen. Seth and I may have actually finally agreed on a name for baby girl! We will be keeping it to ourselves until she arrives, just like we did with Ryder.

As of lately there isn't too much making me feel queasy. Every now and then a smell will find me that I can't handle. The smell of ketchup is one of them. I have been craving fruit and pastries. Especially bagels with a mountain of cream cheese, chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, apple turnovers...

I've also reached that point where everything hurts at night. I can't sleep on one side for more than an hour before my hip hurts, I have to sleep elevated to keep heartburn at bay, I'm waking to pee every two hours, and the leg cramps and charlie horses are terrible! Afternoons are the worst and I normally begin feeling awful at around 2 in the afternoon.

I finally made a spot for her in our room where she will be for the first few months. Ryder slept in a play yard bassinet in our room until he was around four months old. It got to a point where every time he would move or any sound he would make, I would wake. Even with him sleeping for long stretches at a time I just couldn't stay asleep when I heard him. So we moved him and he slept great in his crib and in his own room. Baby girl will not have a room ready for her quite yet because it's currently a toy disaster zone. I'm planning on working on it the next few months and moving her in after the holidays. But I do finally have a special little area ready for baby girl when she comes and I love it!

My grandfather made this cradle for my mother when I was an infant. We used it at my parent's house with Ryder, but this time around I dreamed about having it in our room. I am so excited to see her wiggling and sleeping in this cozy little spot!

bloom quilt || pacifier clip || felt flower headband

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