January 9, 2016

Donut You Know I Love You

On Monday my father suffered not one but two major heart attacks in just a few short hours. It has been a scary and sleepless week for our family. He is slowly feeling better but not without plenty of complications. Recovery will be long and not easy. There was damage, some repairable most is not. His lifestyle, and ours, will be changed forever. It's scary to think and watch how fast someone that you love can be taken from you. We are so glad that he is still with us and we are ready to tackle many more years together!

On a more positive note, Ryder and I are getting into the Valentine's Day spirit over here! I am not usually one to enjoy or celebrate this holiday but since having him I find so much joy in celebrating our love! Or "ugga mugga" as Daniel Tiger has taught us. We started the weekend off by making a batch of festive donuts! Donuts are one of our family's favorite guilty pleasures. I am telling myself that since these are baked they are healthier. Am I right?

There's nothing more exciting to a two year old than bowls full of icing and sprinkles just waiting to be devoured. Decorated...I meant decorated! My goal was to make mini donuts so that we wouldn't eat the whole batch in one morning, but I couldn't find my mini donut pans. So, big donuts it is! This is our go to recipe for vanilla donuts. I've shared our recipe for them here. This time I used a much thicker icing made of powdered sugar, water, and corn syrup. This made the icing stay more firm rather than just soaking into the donuts and disappearing.

Today also happens to be the first snow fall of the season!

I also added this print for you to download and use to gift your donuts to friends and neighbors! Happy Saturday friends!

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