January 6, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside!

This post is all about 3 words.

Winter. Storm. Ion.

It all started Friday afternoon. I wanted to beat the crowd & hit the grocery store before everyone else. Well, that didn't happen. We got to the store around 3:30 in the afternoon & it took us nearly an hour & a half just to get through the store! The shelves were close to empty. The aisles were bumper to bumper. The people were rude & crazy!! I had Ryder in the K Tan wrap (which I learned, does not fit him & I) & I'm glad I did. People were not watching where they were going, bumping into each other, & a few actually moved my cart to reach for something near me. Idiots! The snow wasn't even expected for another 24 hours! Good thing I didn't wait until it started snowing.

The snow never did actually reach the 6-11" that was expected. I think we got about 5". However, the worse was yet to come. This morning is pretty rough. Here is the weather status currently.

Obviously cold is an understatement. So since we have & will continue to stay inside for the next couple of days, my cabin fever has started to set in. When I start to get bored indoors there are only a few things that will keep me occupied, other than wasting away on Pinterest.

I've been cooking up a storm! There is just something about cold weather that makes me want to cook.

My breakfast revamped. I intended to go the healthy route until I realized I was out of powdered sugar...so peanut butter & syrup made its way onto my pancakes. Because that's how I roll!

Then it was baby entertainment time. Watching Ryder play on the floor with his toys & jump in his jumparoo is hours of entertainment for us. Plus he is doing something new everyday.

He found his feet this past week. So this is basically the only photo I can get right now. I'm not complaining though...it's pretty cute.

I hope all of you are keeping warm today.

1 comment:

  1. Food looks wonderful other than that peanut butter on pancakes with syrup. Yuck! Just like your father! Such cute pictures of Ryder!
