December 17, 2013

'Tis The Season To Be Teething!

Holy slobber monster! Ryder's teething has gone to an extreme level. He has stopped sleeping during the day except in 30 minute increments & he is fussy fussy fussy. If something is within a foot of him it is going in his mouth. And drool...I seriously think my sweet little baby went to sleep one night & was switch with a baby vampire. I hope these teeth come through quickly!

I attempted to get the perfect picture of Ryder in front of our tree, but he had other ideas. I did manage to get a few pretty good ones. Please excuse all the drool (& breakout from all the drool).

I'm still trying to get that perfect picture :)

1 comment:

  1. Check out your 1st Christmas picture and ALL THE DROOL!!!!!!! Like mother, like son! LOL!
