December 25, 2013

Ryder's First Christmas

Today was more magical that I even dreamed possible! Holidays are so much more fun with children. I was so excited for today that I hardly slept! And that's saying a lot since I had to take cold medicine. Boo for horrible sinuses because of the dry, cold weather. But I didn't let that stop me from fully enjoying today.

We woke Ryder up fairly early since we had such a busy day ahead of us. He was full of smiles & holiday cheer as well! And to top it off he had awesome bedhead!

Dressed in our Christmas morning jammies, we headed downstairs to see what Santa left under our tree.

Of course Ryder wanted to eat everything he got. And he was way more interested in the wrapping paper & bows. He immediately hugged Mickey when I showed him.

We then headed over to my parent's house for presents & lunch with great grandma & great grandpa. He enjoyed munching on more wrapping paper & laughing at Papa. He's pretty funny :)

In the afternoon the rest of the family arrived & that's when the party really started! Lots of giggles & passing the baby around. Getting a 4 month old to sleep when there are about 15 new people around is quite the task. Ryder even got to enjoy some dinner with everyone!

I know I said we were going to start solids when he was closer to 6 months...but here is what happened. Every time any of us dares put anything up to our mouth, he will open his mouth wide & give us a pouty lip when we don't share. So last week we decided to try cereal. NOT a fan! I was eating a banana one morning & decided what the heck! Let's try it! Well, it was a hit. So we tried avocado. And he gobbled it up! He grabs the spoon & inhales! Most of the food actually gets eaten too. So now we are eating solids. So far he has had banana, avocado, & sweet potato. He has loved them all!

This is just SOME of his goodies from today! Can we say spoiled??

This day was so special & now I can't wait until next year!
I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas!

And I just realized that is my
100th POST!
Thank you all for reading about our family's little adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Love you post! And, all the photos! You got some great shots! Loved Christmas Day with all of you also. Thank you for letting us share the day with you. Have another fun Christmas Day today also with Grandma Beth! More spoiling on the way, Ryder!
