June 13, 2013

My View

I was playing around with my camera today and decided to show all of you what my view is like when I look down. Call me strange, but I love it. When I was trying to capture the view little man kept sticking his elbow or knee straight out the side of my belly. So it took me a few tries to get a smooth belly shot. I guess he wanted the world to know he is in there! Hopefully he acts that way on Saturday during the 3D and 4D sonograms...

On another note, does anyone know of any effective ways to hunt and KILL crickets in your house? We have had one living in our kitchen for the past couple months. We've tried moving everything, spraying, and bait. Nothing has worked. We think it's living inside the door frame. This cricket is driving me completely crazy!! He chirps (Is that what the sound is called?) all the damn time! And with it being in the kitchen, it echos so it's even louder!  #teamkillJiminyCricket


  1. So sorry about the cricket. LOVE the picture from your viewpoint!

  2. Melissa,

    your a wonderful blogger as i really enjoy reading your blog. Love the pictures too and especially the one from today. no your not stranger for showing or posting the picture from your viewpoint.

    sorry no advice or solutions on the cricket issues. i do know they can be annoying little stinkers.
