June 23, 2013

32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 25 lbs
Maternity clothes? Most definitely.
Stretch marks? Unfortunately yes...a few are popping up.
Sleep: I can sleep great when I'm not having acid reflux flare-ups (which is every time I lay down) and when I'm not getting up to pee 3 times a night. I do sleep great after I eat breakfast and I could always nap around 1pm!!
Best moment this week: We had a friend of mine take maternity pictures for us. They turned out very good and I will share them once I get them ready.
Miss Anything? I'm really missing my mobility. My belly bumps into everything. I forget how big it really is until I knock something over. I'm also really missing being able to love the summer heat. Now-a-days I can barely stand anything over 80 degrees.
Movement: He is always moving his knees and elbows out.
Food cravings: blueberry anything, tacos, and doughnuts---YUM!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chinese food
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: I've been having a hard time with acid reflux lately. I've also been getting out of breath very fast.
Belly Button in or out: Officially POPPED!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Sharing our maternity pictures with you and my baby shower this weekend!!!

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