June 5, 2013

29 weeks and health update

This post is a few days late. So much has gone on in the past week or so. I've been completely overwhelmed, exhausted, and worried. To start off the long story we will have to go back about two weekends ago. For my friend's birthday, a few of us girls got pedicures. They looked cute and it felt wonderful. We had such a great girl's day out! What could be better than a yummy breakfast at Le Peep, hot stone massage and pedicure, art fair, and ice cream?! Everything seemed fine until about three days later. My toe started swelling, turning red and purple, and become very sore to the touch. After visiting the doctor I was put on an antibiotic for a nail infection. Not so bad right? Wrong! The antibiotic not only made my pregnant body sick to my stomach for days it caused other wonderful pregnancy issues...we won't go into details. So a week later I was off to yet another doctor for complications and contractions. A urine test, pelvic exam, and two ultrasounds later I was giving two more antibiotics and told that I had slightly too much amniotic fluid. Not enough to raise alarm, but enough to cause mild contractions and concern.

Yet again, a week later I felt as if everything was going great. Boy was I wrong. Monday I went to work in a great mood. Around lunch I started feeling a sharp pain in the lower right side of my back. In about an hour I was being rushed from work to the emergency room. Long story short, I was diagnosed with Hydronephrosis, also known as an inflamed kidney. Not fun and extremely painful. I spent the night in the hospital and the next day was told to stay home from work. My doctor also rescheduled my appointment from Friday to tomorrow...she says she wants to monitor and check on me sooner. Way to make me feel less worried. Cross your fingers all goes well tomorrow. I will do an update in a couple days and let you know what I find out.

Note to self---Put away stripes until after pregnancy.

How far along? 29 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: 23+ lbs.
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity leggings and tops...however I still wear my regular tank tops most days.
Stretch marks? Around my belly button
Sleep: Hit or miss
Best moment this week: Hearing baby on the monitors at the hospital...little man moves SO much!

Miss Anything? I miss not having so much concern with all that is happening in my own body.
Movement: constantly...
Food cravings: doughnuts, tacos, and salad - - - 24/7
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chinese food
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Heartburn and hips hurt.
Belly Button in or out: Officially POPPED!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to the baby shower as well as ending this chapter of my life and having little man in my arms.

How dad feels this week: "I'm just worried about all the health issues right now, but happy to know that he is healthy and moving a lot. I can't wait for everything to be over and until we have him in our arms."

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