November 5, 2017

One Week

Ryder is still too nervous to hold her but absolutely loves to talk to her, hold her hand and kiss her head. He is always right next to me asking to help with diaper changes and feedings. He has so many questions about her all the time. I love watching him love her!

We've been home for one week now. I'd be lying if I said things have been a breeze. While they haven't been as crazy as I thought they would be, a few moments have been tricky and there are some things that we need to work on. I know that we are looking forward to going back to our normal days and getting into a (new) routine. We have been able to get out for walks and to the park a couple times and that has really helped. It's always a good idea to take a break and get some fresh air. Ryder loved being able to run and play instead of being cooped up in the house. Seth is headed back to work tomorrow and it's back to running errands and preschool drop-offs, which will be a whole new ballgame with a newborn. I am working on writing out Harper's birth story, but for now it's time for coffee and Lego Batman with my favorite four year old.

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