October 7, 2017

Hospital Bag + Baby Countdown

When I was expecting Ryder I loved reading about what other moms packed in their hospital bags. It was more like I became obsessed with pinning every hospital bag idea I came across. When the time came to pack I was so overwhelmed and over packed. This time around I feel like I'm a tiny bit more prepared and I also know that I won't need everything that I thought I would four years ago, like an entire package of heavy duty pads and every newborn outfit we owned.

This time around I am packing light for both baby and myself. With Ryder we were only in the hospital for a little over 30 hours and I only technically used two outfits, but I had packed five and played dress up. Completely unnecessary. I fully intend on spending the time in the hospital bonding with her and nursing (something that I didn't get to experience with Ryder). I do not intend of dressing baby girl up in the hospital as much as I did Ryder. But I also am not a fan of the little kimonos they put on the babies at our hospital. I have packed three plain white onsies, three little pants, two sleepers, a knotted gown, socks, and a couple different hair bows. I also packed her baby quilt for her and a swaddle from home. I packed a pacifier for her although I'm not sure if we will use it.

This time I have packed the most comfortable swing dress, maternity leggings, two nursing tanks, my favorite sweater cardigan, and flip flops. I refuse to walk barefoot on the hospital floor. I will wear flip flops into the shower after delivery and socks at all other times. A few other clothing items I have packed in my bag that are worth mentioning are socks, a couple pairs of underwear (I am not a fan of the mesh ones that they give you), and a change of clothes for Seth. In addition to clothing I also have two zipper pouches in my bag. One pouch contains a few nursing pads, nipple balm, lip balm, and a few of my must-have oils. The other pouch has bath gel, face wash, face wipes, dry shampoo, brush and hair ties, toothbrushes and paste, and other bathroom necessities. If you are reading this post and it is your first time to deliver, let me give you some advice that I didn't listen to. After you give birth, you will still look about six months pregnant. I didn't listen to this advice because when you get to your due date you sort of forget that six months is still pretty big. Plus you will be super swollen from the IVs and labor itself.

Other items I cannot forget!:
camera + accessories
phone chargers
laptop + cord
baby book
extra cash (vending machine)
ID + any paperwork

{36 weeks}

We are officially counting down to baby! I have been really feeling the strains of pregnancy these last few weeks. The last couple months were a breeze, but once the eighth month hit I really felt it. Baby girl hit a major growth spurt last week and then she dropped. She still has so much more room compared to Ryder at this point. Or so it feels like it. I feel her movements totally different than I felt Ryder. She can contort my belly into strange shapes and it feels so weird! She is also almost always moving some part of her body. She reacts strongly to any fruits, cheese, and water. She loves when Ryder talks to her and will always kick him when he lays on my belly. Sleep is hard to come by, as it has been nearly the entire pregnancy, and I am in the bathroom every hour if not more. My current cravings are ice water, cheese and crackers, and still always craving chocolate chip cookies. So far I have no new stretch marks, my old stretch marks are still pale, and I have gained 9 pounds less than the first time around! Here's to the next four weeks (or less)! We are ready for you sweet girl!

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