January 8, 2015

Love List

I know the blog has been quiet lately. Since the week before Christmas we have been battling one virus after the next. In the past three weeks we have had fevers, coughs, runny noses, upset tummies, more fevers, lots of chills, Croup, ear infections, and we've done a whole lot of nothing but lay around the house and watch the Polar Express over and over and over again. Today we are feeling better, despite Ryder still trying to get those top canine teeth in, and we are cleaning, running the humidifier on high all day and night, diffusing essential oils like crazy, catching up on lost sleep, and organizing new toys. We haven't been out of the house since Saturday which isn't bad considering it is seriously 2 degrees with -10 wind chill outside. Luckily, our gym class starts back tomorrow morning! We can't wait to get out and see real people!

Here are a few things we are currently loving:
1- I use to hate the color gold. I mean hate! I couldn't stand it. Gold jewelry is still growing on me, but I have started bringing in more gold touches around the house. Specially with Valentine's Day coming I have a feeling there will be more gold popping up all over the place.

2- With all of these viruses coming into our lives recently, I have been heading straight into some of our favorite "easy meals" during the week. Who has time or energy to stand at the stove for 30 minutes when you're running a high fever with body aches and a toddler is screaming at your feet? Not me. I found two easy meals that barely require me to stand up for more than 10 minutes just to assemble. Crock Pot Vegetable Ziti  (sneak in some nutrients) and Mini Meatloaf Cups  (because it's more fun this way).

3- I am a chapstick addict. I seriously always have a tube within reach. My new favorite is Burt's Bees Grapefruit.

4- Since we've been lounging at home for the past several days and weeks, sometimes to help us feel a little better we actually get our butts up and get dressed. I still like to be comfy so it's usually leggings and a top for me. But for Ryder, our favorite long sleeve onesies from J.Crew are my go-to outfit. They are longer so they fit him perfect. They never shrink. And they are super soft!

Hopefully we can avoid anymore sickness for the rest of the season. And yes, before you judge, he normally only gets his pacifiers at bedtime and in the car. Since we've been sick constantly and his darn teeth are giving him trouble, we have been letting him have it pretty much when he wants. I can't wait for the weather to get warmer so that we can be outside more often. This little guy sure has a lot of energy on those days where he is feeling great but I'm just not up to par yet. I think mommies shouldn't be allowed to get sick! Here is to a healthier start to the new year!

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