December 10, 2014

Ryder's Wish List

I can't believe that Christmas is only four weeks away! This year Ryder is much more interested in the decorations and festiveness. We have already started our holiday baking and eating. I will definitely be packing on the pounds if I don't slow this snacking habit down. Ryder has made his wish list and I am certain that Santa will bring him every last thing on it and more. This year it has been so much fun to shop for him. I have tried to think of toys that will last him the whole year through and some that he will grow into. That way each item gets good use. I love the idea of "something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read" but of course I went a little beyond that. Here is Ryder's wish list for Christmas (and some things that will be under the tree).

We really wanted to get Ryder a kitchen of his own. I know he is still a little on the young side for it, but he really loves to help me cook and bake. He is always on my feet or at my side begging to help while I'm in the kitchen. He does great stirring and mixing things for me. We felt like this would be a good gift that we could invest in as it will get a lot of use for years to come.

Starting in January, I will be starting what I like to call "Tot School" with Ryder. We will focus on one letter and a shape, color, animal, or object every two weeks. The alphabet puzzle was a no brainer for me. He loves to work on puzzles during our "quiet" time and chunky puzzles are so easy to toss in my big bag with it's pieces in a zip lock baggy for when we go to doctors appointments. I love how the letter's places have matching colors. Makes it so easy for them to find the correct spot.

Trains are the newest favorite thing with Ryder. He loves them at the toy store and at the play center we go to occasionally. They are not quite age appropriate so I found this starter kit and thought it would be perfect! He loves Chuggington on tv and will point them out if you ask. I am positive that this will be a big hit!

I caught one of Santa's elves in our living room the other day.

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