September 1, 2014

The "F" Word

I am ready & excited for the "F" word! No, not the one that Ryder tries to mimic by biting his lower lip & blowing air out of his mouth to make the letter sound. I blame daddy. I feel like September 1st is always the unofficial beginning of fall. Summer is no longer in my mind, although we will most likely be making one more trip to the splash pad this week since the weather is going to be warm. Starting late last night, seriously around two in the morning thanks to a certain one year old, I started to think about how I will be decorating the house this year for fall, Halloween & the holidays. I am so excited that we have a gorgeous front porch with steps that I get to line with pumpkins, mums & fun things. Also, since Ryder is much more aware of the things going on around him, I am looking forward to decorating the house with some fun & slightly spooky decorations. Also, stayed tuned later this month for a few fun activities to do with your littles. Some may even be holiday themed!

Here is what our week looked like. Not too much has happened recently. We have been spending a lot of time getting things done around the house. I promise a house tour will be coming soon!

One night while I was making dinner somebody got hold of my phone. I think he has this selfie thing down.

 I really haven't taken many selfies with this kid. Apparently it must be a skill you are born with. He rarely sits still long enough for me to take his picture but hand him to phone & he will take about thirty pictures. Go figure.

I also was nominated to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I love how much awareness it has brought to this illness & I love what we can do with just one silly video. As a family we also made donations. However, I am happy that my Facebook news feed has finally stopped being flooded by videos.

Now that Ryder is able to eat pretty much anything I put in front of him, I have been making him all sorts of fun treats! He really doesn't understand the pictures on his plates but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying them! Plus he always gives me the sweetest smile of gratitude.

I hope you all had a fun holiday weekend!
Hello, September!

1 comment:

  1. I always love your blog, but I LOVED these selfies and the creative food ideas! How cute!
