March 20, 2014

Welcome Spring!

It is finally springtime! We may still get a couple days of winter weather in the next month, but it is officially the start of spring. We are so ready to get outside & go on adventures. Ryder has so many new experiences. Slides, swings, feeling the grass on his bare feet, feeling the sun warm on his cheeks, the smell of flowers, the sounds of bees (or just the word "buzz") & so much more. I can't wait to see his reaction to all of the new things.

When the sun is shining & the weather is warm I always crave fresh foods. Whether it's fresh fruits or veggies, I want to fill the house with them! And one of those fresh things is lemon. I love the scent of lemon. It smells so fresh & clean. I found a lemon blueberry bread recipe a few years ago & I love it! Ryder & I opened the windows & hit the kitchen. He loves watching me cook. I always sit him near the counter in his high chair & talk to him while I'm cooking. I explain what I'm doing & what is going to happen. Maybe one day he will cook for me.

After Ryder's noontime nap (a very short nap) we headed out to the park for some fresh air & sunshine. The park we went to has a giant hill with a sidewalk going up one side. I decided we were going to haul ass to the top. Guess what I found out? I am very out of shape!!

Welcome spring!!!
We have been waiting so long for you!

1 comment:

  1. Yum! The bread looks delicious! Thanks for letting me learn how out of shape I am too on that walk! LOL! Love the tulips!
