March 16, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day Eve!

What a day yesterday turned out to be! We had so much festive green fun that we are all exhausted still. The weather was absolutely gorgeous yesterday for the parade. Ryder enjoyed what he saw of the parade. For the most part he napped while I ran over pushed my way through the crowd of drunks with the stroller. But he was awake to see the firetrucks, a marching band, rainbow balloons, & his daddy on his pit bike!

Let's go back to Friday night. We always have pizza on Friday nights & there was no way I was going to let this pizza go without a little St. Patrick's Day fun! So a green pepper shamrock it was!

I wanted to make sure that I put as much green, shamrocks, clovers, & leprechauns into our weekend as I possibly could.

On Saturday morning I surprised the boys with green pancakes! I covered them in whip cream & Lucky Charms cereal. And I accidentally got addicted to them over the weekend. Oops! :)

We even let Ryder have a taste...

"You serious, Clark?"

Don't worry I didn't let him actually eat these. I switched it out for some oatmeal & banana chunks. But I did let him have a handful of whip cream & a marshmallow (or 3).

After the yummy (also messy) breakfast, we loaded up the cars. When I say load I don't just mean with all of Ryder's things that we need for a few hours. We also had to pack the pit bike to the back of the car, I had to pack lunch for Ryder, extra bottles, extra green clothes & accessories, blankets, lots of water & juice in a cooler, the stroller, & then we had to all be dressed in our green parade attire! Finally after a lot of scrambling we were out the door & on our way to downtown.

Ryder wasn't too big on the parade it's self. He did like watching all the people & would turn toward any loud vehicle & shout "OOOH!". Here are a few moments that were captured.

Huge shout out to one of my best friends for sharing these pictures with me. It took me about 30 pictures until I realized that I had left my memory card at home. FAIL!

Saturday night we were completely tuckered out from all the festivities & the colds that have overstayed their welcome so we just ordered Chinese takeout. So not festive but you do what you have to do. The festiveness was brought back today though! It's St. Patrick's Day Eve so we had to bring a little more green into our lives. Only a holiday could make me buy a brown fuzzy food item. We tried kiwi for the first time...

...& we all LIKED it!

Tell me, what shenanigans did you get into this weekend?

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