January 2, 2014

Hello 2014

I hope you are all having a wonderful New Year! The past few days have been filled with lots of cleaning, organizing, & jotting down endless to-do lists & resolutions. Every year I spend at least a week writing down all sorts of things I want to do for the year. I like to think of it as spring cleaning my life. This year my list is even longer because there are so many things I want to show & do with Ryder. Most of these include holidays, parties, mini vacations, road trips, art projects... Usually I lose my lists just as fast as I make them. This year I am taping them to our fridge! They WILL get done. Maybe I should make one giant chalkboard wall for all my to-do lists!

Here are my resolutions for 2014.
1.  Put together my recipe book & utilize it. I love cooking! I hate deciding what to cook. So I'm hoping to get a fun & easy recipe catalog put together so that it will be easy for me to flip through & find our family's favorites. And in return will help us to eat out less. Of course I will be adding new favorites along the way & sharing them with all of you.
2.  I want to spend more time focusing on all the positives. I tend to find the bad in everything. I don't always assume the worse, but I definitely consider it.
3.  Be the best, most fun, most festive, most loving mom & fiance.
4.  Get this wedding planning into full gear! We should probably start by deciding on a date.
5.  And last but certainly not least, lay off the junk food. I know this is on everybody's lists. I full intend to have more healthy choices in the fridge & on the table. Ryder has started eating at the same time we do so I want to make sure that he sees us making the right food choices.

There you have it! All of my New Year's Resolutions & I am ready to rock them all! Although I won't be mad if a few bowls of ice cream sneak into number 5 :)
So, tell me, what are your resolutions?!

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