September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Ryder & I were so excited to spend the holiday weekend (4 whole days!) with daddy! We will be very sad when he goes back to work on Wednesday. We made sure to make the best out of this weekend. Of course, there was housekeeping to get done & some groceries to buy, but we made the most out of the past few days. Here is our weekend in pictures.

We took advantage of the break in hot weather to spend Monday (Labor Day) at the park. We had a picnic & went for a nice long walk. Ryder of course, slept through the walk, but enjoyed being able to stretch out on the blanket and stare at all the trees & the sky. After being cooped up indoors due to the heat wave  -thank you, Midwest-  it was great to finally get fresh air & stretch our legs.

A few other events of the weekend included lots of tummy time & playing on the activity mat. Ryder has now started to watch his toys & has begun to coo at them as we move them around. He also went to his first birthday party! He slept through it of course.

Ryder also spent a lot of time this weekend cuddling with his daddy.
He really is a daddy's boy! :)

In other's officially September! I have gotten my many boxes of decorations out & have started to decorate for fall! I'm so excited to get to the pumpkin patch and get my hands on some pumpkins. I will post a fall decoration update soon! I hope all of you had a great weekend.

Keep an eye out for my Halloween Favorites post!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!!!! All the pictures are just fantastic! And, Ryder, of course, is the most precious grand baby ever!!!!!!
