August 29, 2013

3 Weeks of Ryder

I can't believe Ryder has been in our lives for 3 weeks already! Time really is flying by. It's funny because I want time to slow down so that I can keep him little for longer, but I also can't wait until he begins to explore his world. We are loving being parents! It's so incredible & demanding all at the same time. Seeing his sweet face makes it all worth it! It's incredible that not only do I have this intense love for this little person, but I never thought that I could love Seth even more than I did. Ryder has definitely made our life more complete and sweeter. Here are a few snapshots of Ryder the past couple of weeks.

A few of Ryder's favorite things:
1. daddy!
3. bath time
5. swinging in his swing

Advice for Mommy's-To-Be:
* You will spend every free minute of your life doing dishes. You will become a total germ freak when it comes to your baby's bottles. (Or breast pump parts and pieces) I absolutely LOVE BabyGanics Dish & Bottle Soap!! It is made with completely natural ingredients & it doesn't dry your hands out. Bonus!!

* Two words...Newborn Jammies...We thought that Ryder would be a slightly bigger baby & even with him being a little over 8 pounds, he basically lives in newborn sleepers. I always make sure to grab the ones that have the fold-over mittens on the hands to keep him from scratching his face & buttons on the legs or a zipper. 
{UPDATE: Ryder has officially outgrown newborn size. They are too tight length wise and his arms are getting too long. Ugh!}

* Burping. Who knew that when a baby is still fussing after a feeding, getting a fresh diaper, pacifier, or any other soothing techniques...burping may be the answer to all your problems. No one told me this. Even if I can't get a burp out of him, he usually stops fussing when he is propped on my shoulder and I am rubbing or patting his back. So...if your baby is fussy and you've tried everything else...burp!

* Alright, we all know that as a new mom you are going to lose sleep. It's like a horrible initiation. However, it still amazes me how easily I can live off of only 3-4 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period. Your mom instincts will kick in and suddenly it won't matter that you are dead tired...your baby needs you! 

* And last but not least, forgive yourself. You will make mistakes. You will have break downs. You will try to be superwoman. Relax. Dishes, laundry, & cleaning can all wait. Ask for help when you need it. Remember that you are healing also. If you start to feel overwhelmed try one of these solutions: take a warm shower (heck just stand in the warm water!), take a warm bath, take a nap (either with baby or recruit daddy for baby duty), or if the weather is nice take your baby for a walk and get some fresh air. These weeks really do go by fast & you will get the hang of everything. I'm still adjusting to a few things, but I am allowing more time for me. Because a calm, happy mommy is a good mommy!! :)

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