June 21, 2013

Little Man Update

Maternity leave is going fairly well. I must admit that I am extremely bored  all  most of the time. I tried making a weekly and daily cleaning schedule. Only problem with that is I get the things on the list done in an hour. Then I'm finding myself obsessing over certain things.
A few of my obsessions...
1. Getting rid of corner cobwebs and all cobwebs for that matter.
2. Making lists for every occasion.
3. Hoarding craft project ideas...newborn picture ideas, recipes, maternity picture ideas, home decor projects, and anything else interesting on Pinterest.
4. Coloring on my chalkboard.
5. Attempting to bake yummy treats...or failing majorly at all lemon blueberry treats.
6. Devouring bananas and strawberries on site.
7. NAPS! I could take a nap everyday around 1 in the afternoon!
8. Dancing with little man.
9. Popsicles!
10. HGTV shows
Mostly I've just been straight up lazy. But the way I look at it, I only have about 8 weeks (or less) to relax and enjoy my summer. And let me tell you...the weather has been topping out at an average of 90 degrees with a heat index of 100. That makes for one hot mama! So far so good though! Only a few overly hot and queasy days. We are going to attempt to get maternity pictures done on Sunday morning. I'm hoping the weather won't be too hot at 8 in the morning.

Yesterday I had my 32 weeks appointment. Everything was going great. My blood pressure was good, all protein and sugar levels were good, and his heartbeat was a strong 141. He also kicked the nurse and doctor during one of his many dance recitals. However, the doctor measured my belly and immediately changed the feel of the room. For the past month, little man was measuring about a week and a half to 2 weeks large. She looked me in the eyes and said, "I'm going to see if I can get you in for a sonogram today." Then she left the room. We were taken into the sonogram room a few moments later. While waiting for the sonographer to come into the room, I remember saying to Seth, "He's going to be so big that I'm going to have to have a C-section! I don't want a C-section." Then I was instantly fighting tears. Hot mess express coming through! So the girl did her thing and measured his thigh bone, stomach, and head. Then after taking a few fun pictures for us I asked her if she could check his feet. When we got his 3D sonogram done he was resting his foot on top of his knee. It was very cute, but it looked like he only had 2 toes. I know the angles have a lot to do with this effect, but I became worried about it. Yesterday she reassured me that everything looks great. Phew! He also has a full head of THICK hair. Then she brings my doctor back into the room who then looks at all the measurements and tells us the news. We are no longer looking at a big baby! His growth has finally evened out and he is only measuring 5 days ahead (which is very normal) and my amniotic fluid levels are officially back down in the normal range! YAY! He was just laying with his butt in the air so my belly measured large...little stinker. I was so happy and excited that I was in tears. She is still estimating him to be 7-8 pounds at full term, but that is so much better than a 9-10 pound newborn!!!! And without any more ramblings from me here are a couple pictures of our little man at 32 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. another wonderful post. glad everything with little one is good. im sure you've been scared as the unknown is so hard to handle. 32 weeks and you look wonderful.

    have a great weekend. hopefully the weather cooperates and your able to get wonderful pictures this weekend. saw your facebook picture of you and seth. :)
