June 8, 2013

30 weeks...already?!

It really doesn't feel like 30 weeks have gone by already. Although I'm definitely feeling the strains of this pregnancy. I was tell Seth the other day that I am ready for this chapter to end so I can start the next one with little W. I'm so ready for him to be here...of course I want him to wait until he's full term, but I am tired of being pregnant and I know it's only going to get worse.

Here's a health update: On Thursday my doctor informed me that I am in the high scale of normal for amniotic fluid. This is not a concern but more like a caution. She does not feel that it is necessary to do any more ultrasounds until the full term scan at 37 weeks. So that was good news. All my blood and urine tests came back perfect. Which means that there is still no explanation, other than pregnancy, of what is causing my kidney to become inflamed. They can't give me any anti inflammatory medications because of the baby. So I have Tylenol with Codeine to take ONLY when I need sleep I feel the pain that regular Tylenol won't take away. I've also been told to drink water constantly. No more soda.  :(  Awesome...so she put me on a "work weight limit" to keep me from doing too much at work. Well, as you know there isn't much to do at a daycare that doesn't involve lifting a child under 15 pounds. She also told me not to do too much hard laboring work. I'm not on bed rest (thank goodness!), but I've noticed that when I take more time to relax throughout the day I don't have shooting pains on the right side of my back. YAY! So, that's where little man and I are at right now. Relaxing.

I have been doing a little bit around the house though. I recently made little man a mobile for his nursery. I couldn't find one that I liked. They were all either too babyish or too ugly. Since he isn't a girl, I figured I couldn't do the pom poms like I wanted too (or at least daddy frowned at the idea). I also hung my favorite picture from each of our sonograms. Even though I'm sure I will get one that I like even better next Saturday at our 4D appointment, but I love the look of these. You can see how much he grew in just 6 months. I especially love his little pucker during the last picture *swoon* I also fell in love with Anthropology's metal letters. Except, $18 per letter is crazy! So we made our own. I'm not going to show those until his nursery reveal since we are keeping the name a secret.

How far along? 30 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: 25 at my appointment on Thursday
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity leggings and tops...however I still wear my regular tank tops most days.
Stretch marks? Around my belly button
Sleep: Hit or miss
Best moment this week: Finding out that everything is ok and that there is no real reason to panic about little man.
Miss Anything? I'm really missing my old clothes...
Movement: constantly...although it's more wiggles and turns than hard kicks (although he still gives plenty of those).
Food cravings: doughnuts, tacos, and salad - - - 24/7
Anything making you queasy or sick: Chinese food
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Heartburn and my hips hurt when I'm sleeping.
Belly Button in or out: Officially POPPED!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: I am so excited for our 4D ultrasound appointment next weekend and also giving Seth his first Father's Day gift! It really is a fun gift...I think. I will post that next weekend after the holiday (since he reads my blogs) Hi LOVE! :)

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