February 27, 2013

15 weeks

So I'm a little behind on my weekly updates. However, I have good reason!! Chicago, getting engaged, busy at work...anyways...better late than never! Here's the 15 weeks bump. Please note this was taken at night after a very yummy dinner.

How far along? 15 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: +2 pounds estimated
Maternity Clothes: Most days.
Stretch marks? not yet
Sleep: sleeping great!
Miss anything? Laying on my stomach.
Movement: Some days more than others.
Food Cravings: Pasta (which is very normal)
Anything making you queasy or sick? the smell of left overs
and trash...and dirty diapers at work.
Have you started showing? Most definitely something there.
Gender prediction: girl
Labor signs: too early
Belly button in/out: in
Mood? HAPPY!
Best Moment this week: Seth asking me to marry him <3
Looking forward to: Finding out if little Weber is a boy or girl

How dad feels this week: "More and more excited about finding out gender and seeing that the baby is healthy." Very eager to meet baby Weber!

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